Come and Worship – a Christmas Devotional

come and worship

The shepherds were the first who bid others to “Come and see.” Scriptures says that “they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child” (Luke 2:17).

And ever since then, it has been the sacred and joyful task to share the same message, especially at Christmas.

“O Come, little children.”

“O Come, one and all.”

The gift of a God and a Son. Christ, the Lord, in a manger. Born in a stable, to speak words of truth and grace. Adored by shepherds, to climb a lonely hill beneath a rugged cross. A birth sung by angels. A death watched by those same angels, now hushed, as He cries, “It is finished.”

Come, little children. Come all, to see the One with scars on His hands and feet, in His side, yet risen. Risen.

Come and see. Come and worship.


This reading is an excerpt of a devotional from Finding Christ in the Carols, a devotional inspired by lyrics from well-known Christmas Carols. Available for only $2.99 on Amazon, Finding Christ in the Carols will help you find moments of personal devotion and reflection during the busy holiday season.

Bright and Morning Star – A Christmas Devotional

Star of Bethlehem

Lord, help me to follow You today, even if at times it makes about as much sense as following a star.

Let me never fear to seek for You, and to seek after more of You, knowing that You draw near to those who draw nigh to You.

You were called the Bright and Morning Star.

Be my star on the nights that are dark and lonely and cold.


This reading is an excerpt of a devotional from Finding Christ in the Carols, a devotional inspired by lyrics from well-known Christmas Carols. Available as an e-book on Amazon, Finding Christ in the Carols will help you find moments of personal devotion and reflection during the busy holiday season.